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Wanting to say hi - Cock Selfie

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I definitely go out of my way to be “accidentally” out with the hopes he’ll see. Among a few other times, On FaceTime once, I pulled off a dick slip and I’m pretty sure he saw. It was quick so I’ll never know. If he does catch a glimpse, he never says anything. He’s the type of guy to not mind seeing a penis on tv or something but would definitely recoil on impulse if he saw one in person but then Probably laugh it off. The day he does see it and it’s obvious, I plan to shake it off and just be like so what it’s a dick. We both got one. Fun fact, I convinced him years ago to send me a dick pic and he did. When I recently noted in conversation that I’m aware he has a monstrous dick, he wondered how. Part of me loves it that he doesn’t remember. Say what you want but that’s one dick pic I’ll never delete.

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